Hi all,
I have a problem creating an icon button with pull-down menu in Interface Builder (v. 3.0). The icon image that I prepared, png format, will not load into the button when I select it from the drop-down menu. I carefully followed the simple steps outlined in the Apple HIG guide (selection controls) but they don't work for me. From the guide:
"An icon or bevel button with a pop-up menu is easy to create in Interface Builder. First, drag a pop-up button (an NSPopUpButton object) into your window. Select the button and in the Attributes pane of the inspector, change its type to Pull Down. Finally, for a Rounded or Square Bevel Button, change the style to Square or Shadowless Square, respectively. For an icon button, it doesn’t matter which style you choose, but you must deselect the Bordered checkbox. Resize the button as needed."
I also tried to do it in code in the awakeFromNib method: [sansButton setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"sans.png"]];
Is there any other way to get an image in an icon button?
Thanks, |