I am struggling to find a consistent way of setting up my
Xcode project environment for an application I am building so that I can step
into the source code of a framework built in another Xcode project.
The confusing thing is that whilst playing with com.apple.DebugSymbols
DBGSearchPaths I did get it to work _once_
but I have not been able to repeat it.
The framework is built with dsym files. However when I copy
the framework into my applications bundle using a copy files (framework) build phase
the dsym files are not copied with it. I suppose this is to be expected.
If I look at the shared libraries window for the framework
it shows that the framework has been loaded from the applications bundle and
that the current symbol state is All. However I cannot view any globals from
the framework in the globals window.
If I run a terminal shell and execute “defaults write
com.apple.DebugSymbols DBFSearchPaths –string “path to frameworks
dsyms”. Then I can click on the framework in the globals window and the
globals will be displayed. I do not know if this is a red herring (false
At one point after doing this I was able to step into the
framework source. But I have not been able to repeat this.
Any help on the recommended/correct way to set this up will
be gratefully accepted!