On Feb 8, 2009, at 8:55 PM, Zhao Wang wrote:
By the way, I am using iPhone SDk 2.2.1.
Thank you!
I see the same error while trying to set up an ad hoc distribution of an app to my iPhone. I _was_ able to do this with another app using the 2.2 version of the SDK. On the other hand, this process has some many small moving parts, I was a bit surprised it worked for me the first time. I certainly cannot say I have not made a mistake in any of the many steps involved in the process.
I filed a bug in bugreporter.apple.com and it may be good for you to do so also. Perhaps you have more or different info than I. For example, for me that error did not occur when I was building, but after a successful build, when I had iTunes front-most and tried a sync. When I went back to Xcode, that exception was waiting for me. So, there is obviously more than one way for this error to occur.
I am sure the Xcode people want to make this a better integrated process, but there are always lots of reasons that it might take a while. We'll see.
cheers - ray
On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 11:17 PM, Zhao Wang
<zhaowang.net@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, folks,
I was trying to distribute one application. However, I always get the following error.
"Your mobile device has encountered an unexpected error (0xE800003A). ApplicationVerificationFailed "
The same window show twice for one compile
I used the newly created distribution provision file, And I created a new project and copy all the codes to the new project. The application is built successfully but failed when it show "trying install Application XXX on the Iphone".
I made sure I choose "iPhone Distribution : My Name" at the code sign option..
by the way, I deleted the developer provision from the iphone, I wonder if that will be the reason?
Any help will be appreciated.
Zhao Wang