On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 4:43 PM, DeNigris Sean <
email@hidden> wrote:
Hi list!
I set up a project to test with OCUnit
(per http://developer.apple.com/mac/articles/tools/unittestingwithxcode3.html).
When I build and run the test target, Xcode hangs forever, with the 'Run
script' phase active.
Is anyone else experiencing this?
This never happened in Leopard, and I even when I opened an old project that
had previously worked, the same thing happened. I also tried building 32
bit only, to no avail.
What version of Xcode are you using? Are you in the Eastern US (i.e. UTC-5)?
"Building a Unit Test target would cause Xcode to hang and/or crash
when the system clock was set to a time zone that contained the digit
“5.” This affected UTC-5 (Central Daylight Time) andUTC+5 (Pakistan
Standard Time) primarily, and has been fixed. Related bugs that
suppressed the display of certain Unit Test results have also been
fixed. 7047278, 7028675"
If this is the issue that you're seeing, upgrade to Xcode 3.2.1
Clark S. Cox III