I am a disabled developer trying to use AppleScript to automate adding bookmarks to my Xcode documents.
I can create a bookmark and set its name and character range with no problem using tell active project document to make new text bookmark set name of mark to "testing" set character range of mark to {5, 10} However, I have not been able to find a way to attach that bookmark, which is owned by the project , to its document. I have examined some of Xcode's existing bookmarks, and found that the property I need to set is called file reference:. But I have tried many variations on the "set" statements above to try to set the file reference: property, and they all generate errors either on compilation or when the script is run. I've also tried adding a with to the statement that creates the bookmark, and I've gotten that to run successfully by passing a file reference at that point, but the property still shows file reference:missing value when I return the bookmark from my script.
So how do I properly attach my new bookmark to its file?
Alternatively, these items would really be more appropriate on the Symbols pop up, but I do not know a way to programmatically access that menu at all.
Thank you in advance for your help.