I have an iOS project which I used a standard iOS XCode template for (XCode 3.2.4/5). At some point I wanted to test some of the basic non-UI application classes so I added an OSX console app to the project, selected the classes I wanted, added a main() etc. It's my poor-man's unit test ..
If I switch in the top selector back to my iOS target it correctly switches back to building against the iOS SDK (eg I see Simulator - 4.2 | Debug .. ), however if I switch to the console app, the title is "Debug|appname" and building gives me this error "target specifies product type 'com.apple.product-type.tool', but there's no such product type for the 'iphonesimulator' platform".
If I Alt-Click the selector I see the Active SDK is set to 'Use Base SDK', if I change that to OS X 10.6, everything works. Again if I switch back to the IOS target, the SDK switches correctly to iOS Simulator 4.2 or similar.
I've checked the target for my console app, and Base SDK is set to Mac OS 10.6, it really is, for both Debug and Release, just as the iOS target has Base SDK set to iOS 4.2. I can find no other likely looking setting to mess with.
Why does switching to the IOS project select the correct Base SDK, the one in the target config, but switching to the OS X Console target not do so, but sets 'Use Base SDK' and I have to Alt-Click to select it by hand to OS X before I can build?
Thanks |