On Oct 1, 2011, at 14:50 , Steve Mills wrote: On Sep 29, 2011, at 14:10:29, Mills, Steve wrote:
Sorry if this has been covered before, but when I look at my Target Settings in Xcode 4.1, the Resolved value for Strip Linked Product appears as No for all configs, yet the Project Settings are set to Yes for some configs (based on the Mac OS Default value). This setting is not being overridden in Target Settings, so the Resolved value should be Yes for some configs. Is this a bug, or is there a mysterious default being applied to application targets that causes them to use different settings than the Project Settings?
So, nobody else sees this?
Yes, though it's not configuration-dependent in my case.
The answer is that the resolved setting is dependent on another build setting. If you show the quick help for the setting, you'll see that the underlying setting name is "STRIP_INSTALLED_PRODUCT", and if you look that up in the tools documentation, you'll see that this has "DEPLOYMENT_POSTPROCESSING=YES" as a pre-requisite, and that one's presumably turned off.