On Oct 5, 2011, at 09:57 , Koen van der Drift wrote: Is there a way to clone a project and save it under a different name, without needing to go all over Xcode to make sure I didn't miss any setting that needs to be changed?
Yes and no.
You can clone a project by simply duplicating the folder containing the .xcodeproj file. Resist the temptation to rename the project file manually, but open the project in the duplicate folder, and edit the name of the project in Xcode's navigator pane. (That's for Xcode 4. In Xcode 3, there's an explicit Rename Project… menu item to use instead.) That will bring up a dialog that offers to change a number of related project settings based on the name.
However, when you're done, you *still* have to "go all over Xcode" to make sure nothing got missed. Sometimes the rename process won't recognize that a setting needs changing because you earlier set it to something non-standard. A number of settings may need to be changed independently -- version number, icons, etc.
It's not clear, therefore, that you save much effort by using this approach.
If you really want to have several projects using the same settings, I think a better approach is to use build configuration (xcconfig) files. I don't use them myself, so I can't advise you on their use, but they seem like a better way to transfer settings between projects.