Running Xcode 3.2.6 on Mac OSX 10.6.8 (Still on Snow Leopard) on MacBook
In Chapter 6 of Hillegass's Book "Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X Third Edition
Modifying the Speech Synthesis Program by adding the Table View of Voices.
On Page 96 adding this line to the init method [speechSynth setDelegate:self]; The compile yields the following error message warning: class 'AppController' does not implement the 'NSSpeechSynthesizerDelegate' protocol
ALSO On Page 106 the following line [tableView selectRow:defaultRow byExtendingSelection:NO]; The compile yields the following message warning: 'selectRow:byExtendingSelection:' is deprecated (declared at /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Headers/NSTableView.h:655)
Since these are warnings the program compiles and runs. The defaultVoice 'Alex' is selected in the Voice Table. The text in the textField is spoken correctly I can select a new voice like 'agnes' But the voice does not change.
I assume the warnings need to be dealt with to be able to change the voice. I haven't a clue how to approach clearing the first warning (still a confused nuB) I looked up the 'byExtendingSelection' (with an Option-Click) I don't know what to do with the suggested changes from the deprecated code.
Please advise.
Amanda Rains
This message was generated on my Mac.