On Sep 11, 2011, at 10:03 , James W. Walker wrote: On Sep 11, 2011, at 1:27 AM, Christiaan Hofman wrote:
On Sep 11, 2011, at 4:21, James W. Walker wrote:
The Xcode 4.1 for Snow Leopard Readme says "The Xcode and iOS SDK installer provides several options for configuring the installation from the “Customize...” button", but I can't find a Customize button. The "Change Install Location" button only lets me choose a volume (and only a volume that already contains Snow Leopard.) How can I put it in its own folder?
Not all 'versions' of the installer let you have these choices. For instance, if you download uses App Store you get a version that does not have these choices, but when you get it through the developer website and a dev account you get these choices. AFAIK.
Yes, I've heard that, but the one I got was from the developer web site. I don't think the App Store even offers Xcode for Snow Leopard.
Summarizing what has been stated on this list since Xcode went to the Mac App Store:
-- The app that you download from the store *contains* the regular installer. You can Show Package Contents on the app in the Finder, and pull out the installer package. When run standalone, this will give you the traditional installation options.
-- The app that you download from the store matches the version of Mac OS you're running on. If you need Snow Leopard Xcode, get it on a Snow Leopard machine.
I haven't verified these facts personally, but they appear to be the consensus.