Hi Jens,
of course I can modify each of the fortran programs such that it re-opens stdin/-out. But if possible I don't
want to touch the fortran code if possible. There are too many of them and I would have to redo this for
every upcoming LAPACK version.
In my project I re-implement some of the LAPACK routines (e.g. LU factorization, QR factorization, eigenvalue
and eigenvector computations, …) in C++ and I want to use the LAPACK test-suit to test my implementation.
This LAPACK test suite is a big bunch of Fortran routines. And LAPACK itself uses these for testing itself ...
So my project consists of my own C++ files (which I compile with clang++) for which I implemented an
"extern C" interface such that I can link it with the LAPACK test suite (which I compile with gfortran). In the
end there are a bunch of executables which are the Fortran test-routines calling my C++ LAPACK routines
instead of the Fortran LAPACK.
At the moment I accomplish all of this through some Makefiles. Everything gets compiled directly from
either C++ or Fortran source files. I do not use any external libraries beside the stdc++.