I use Scripting Bridge with iCal in the source.
Since upgrading to Mt. Lion on one computer, I now cannot compile on that mac due to the absence of iCal.
When I return to working on the Lion machine I obviously can't compile with Calendar, since its not on Lion.
I have given up developing on the Mt.Lion machine for the moment.
Anyone out there have a nice solution to the problem. I would like to be able to keep Lion of course to test even if I develop on the Mt. Lion machine.
To sum this problem, is there a Scripting Bridge Calendar-iCal conversion procedure?
It seems like I am going to have to transfer all development to the Mt.Lion mac or upgrade all the macs.
Or put Calendar on the Lion mac and iCal on the Mt.Lion, don't know if this works tho.
I have noted that the completed application with the Lion iCal scripting bridge stuff works just fine with Calendar on Mt. Lion.
I have not tested tho the use of Calendar with Scripting Bridge with a Lion target. Anybody tested this?
Best regards,
John MacMullin