As Xcode is a complex program, I always look for tips to navigate through the interface faster and get work done faster.
With that in mind, what are some tips that might be little known or tips that any of you have figured out that may help us get our jobs done faster in Xcode?
Here are some of mine: - Start memorizing command keys for tasks you do all the time. - Turn off all GUI animation that doesn't serve to help you do your job faster - Kill the insipid bouncing text view of the code editor if you use a magic mouse. defaults write -g NSScrollViewRubberbanding -bool no - Turn off automatic termination of apps just in case if I happen to close a project and click away from Xcode. defaults write -g NSDisableAutomaticTermination -bool yes - Remap Reindent/Realign Code to: ⌃⌘ \ - Map Hide/ShotwToolbar to: ⌃⌘ 0 - For the code editor, learn shortcuts for keyboard selection and for moving through text and controlling the text selection and insertion point. Insertion point to end of line ⌘ → Insertion point to start of line ⌘ ← Move insertion point by word ⌥ and → or ← To extend or create a selection hold shift (⇧) while using the keys above
- Remap Interface Builder zoom out and zoom in keys to ⌘ - and ⌘ =
- Use Debugger actions to po variable values - Use Description methods on classes to allow po to actually output the class's values. (Hopefully, 4.4 will make this no longer needed). Make a printout of all your newly mapped command keys at 24 point and print it out.
Special characters ⌃⌘⌅⌃⌃⇧ ⌘ ⌥ ⌃ ⇥ ␣ ⎋ ⇧ ⇪ ⏎ ⌤ ⌫ ⌦ ⌧ ⇭ ⏏ ⌽ ⇱ ⇲ ⇞ ⇟ ↑ ⇡↓ ⇣ ← ⇠ → ⇢