On 19 Jul 2012, at 15:28, Joe Armstrong wrote:
I'm old school - I expected the default directory for executables is the directory where I the code was.
You can fix the output folder for good by going to File > Project Settings, and setting the derived data location to something other than Default, and entering something appropriate in the text box.
(If you're using a workspace rather than a project, File > Workspace Settings - the principle is the same.)
The project's Build Settings page appears to display the paths completely inappropriately - the apparently-absolute build folder paths you see are in fact relative to this derived data folder, as far as I can tell. This confused me greatly at first, but the files do appear to go in the right place.
The Archive option doesn't appear to do anything vital, if you just want something you can run from the terminal once you've built it. I've had no problem just using the build product out of the build folder for this.