On Jul 25, 2012, at 15:58 , Doug Hill wrote: "ld: warning: instance method 'fooBar:' in category from foo.o conflicts with same method from another category"
In fact, I think, you shouldn't really ignore this warning, since if both methods are defined in categories there's no guarantee AFAIK which one will "win" at runtime. (Yes, I know that's no help because you don't control the library's source.)
But I'm interested to know the answer anyway, because I started getting a similar warning, except that mine was "… overrides method in class". In this case, I think the framework writer uncleverly did this:
@interface ItsClass : NSObject // in the public headers of the framework @property id itsProperty; @end
@implementation ItsClass @synthesize itsProperty; // to prevent the compiler from complaining @end
@implementation ItsClass (StuffToCompileInADifferentSourceFileForBureaucraticReasons) - (id) itsProperty {…} - (void) setItsProperty: … @end
That's safe enough, but it's bothersome to have to look at the warning until the framework writer gets around to, er, learning Objective-C 2.0. (Your library writer is apparently still learning Objective-C 1.0.)