On Mar 12, 2012, at 12:50 PM, Andy Lee wrote: On Mar 12, 2012, at 11:37 AM, Alex Zavatone wrote: Safari's downloads window has moved, it's now a useless popup that you can't trigger with a command key.
Actually the same old command key works -- Command-Option-L.
Well, for a long time it didn't.
And it would not work if you had no downloads in the downloads window.
After you press Command Option-L, can you select the downloads with the up and down arrows?
Along these lines, are there ways to disable the idiotic auto quitting of applications that's not really auto quitting, just hiding of the GUI? I have 12 GB of of RAM on one box and 16 on another and want to have applications like TextEdit open with no documents visible so I can navigate to the open app and open some docs.
From my testing, if I had 8 GB of RAM free, closed a TextEdit doc and then clicked in the Finder, the TextEdit app would quit. Of course, it was still running, but there was no GUI that I could nav to to open a doc. It's functionality changes and issues like this that are completely counterproductive.
As it is now, I have a 400 dollar paperweight simply because I updated the OS on my iOS device to 5.1. There was no warning whatsoever that if I upgraded the device, I would no longer be able to use it with the dev kit I had using it with.