I am trying to put together a framework that uses a fair amount of generated code.
At present the target contains some 2800 generated .m and .h files.
I can alternatively generate monolithic output as 1 large (5MB) .m and 1 large (2MB) .h file.
Attempting to add the individual or monolithic files to a standard Xcode project results in endless indexing.
The googlable tips about turning off indexing don't seem to wash anymore on Xcode 4.6.3
Cleaning, rebuilding etc is fairly futile.
So I create an external build system project (first draft of makefile is below).
Now when I add files to the project it whips through the indexing in a spritely manner.
Hopefully the makefile will do the job but it is more tedious to maintain.
I would appreciate any insight on getting standard Xcode cocoa projects from choking on large numbers of input files.
# compiler vars
CINCLUDE:= -I/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/headers/mono-2.0
CFRAMEWORKS:= -F ../../../../../products -F/Library/Frameworks
COBJC:= -x objective-c -arch $(ARCHS) -fexceptions
CWARNINGS:= -Wall -Werror
# link vars
LFRAMEWORKS:= -framework Foundation -framework Cocoa -framework Dubrovnik
SOURCES = $(wildcard *.m)
all: $(OBJECTS)