When I compile my app on 10.9 with Xcode 5.0.2 it works fine on 10.9, but I get issues when running that build on 10.7 and 1.08. I have an editor, which is a subclass of NSTextView. Since the canvas (= view) where it appears can be scaled freely, I used to have the following code to achieve a correct display of the text view’s contents during editing:
editingStartScaleFactor = view.scaleFactor; [editor AN_setScale:NSMakeSize(editingStartScaleFactor, editingStartScaleFactor)];
On 10.9 though, this results in the contents not being the correct size unless the canvas is scaled at 100%. So I added a conditional to turn setting the scale factor off on 10.9:
if ( ! [Utilities isMinimumSystemVersionMajor:10 minor:9 bugFix:0] ) { editingStartScaleFactor = view.scaleFactor; [editor AN_setScale:NSMakeSize(editingStartScaleFactor, editingStartScaleFactor)];
This fixes the issue on 10.9. However, when I run my builds on an older machine running 10.8 (or 10.7 for that matter), then the text view misbehaves (pixelated enlarged display, among other things). After installing Xcode 5.2 on the older machine, and compiling the exact same source on it, on 10.8, then when run the text field behaves correctly.
Has anyone run into similar issues, or have any idea, what could be the matter and/or how to resolve the issue? (Building public releases on 10.8 is not an option.)
-António |