Okay, I've tried everything I can think of (Xcode > Preferences | Text Editing | Indentation), so I'm thinking this is a bug. If I copy a line that has no leading whitespace, then paste it elsewhere, Xcode insists on inserting a tab. Example:
// If I copy the following line NSLog(@"[%@ %@]", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd));
// and paste it below this comment <paste it here>
it'll come out as:
// and paste it below this comment NSLog(@"[%@ %@]", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd));
^ aggravating extra space/tab! :(
Interestingly, If I copy a line that's indented, and paste it on a blank line, the result has NO leading whitespace! Grrrr.... There needs to be a checkbox in the prefs pane here that says
[ ] Let me format my own damned code!
that, when checked, would disable all the syntax-aware stuff (except syntax coloring) - the only exception is that it would still respect the "Tab Width" and "Indent Width" settings when I hit the tab key.