I ran into an issue a few days ago where Xcode 6.4 started showing the simulator UUID instead of the version number in the device selection pull-down menu:
I also have 7.0 Beta 3 installed, and it seemed fine until I started mucking around with the simulator installations to try to fix 6.4.
I first tried to correct the UUID display in 6.4 by manually removing the iOS 8.1 simulator profile from /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes and then reinstalling that version through Xcode. That resulted in every entry in the 6.4 pull-down menu being duplicated, although each entry had a distinct UUID. The 7.0b3 devices list was unaffected if I remember right, but I don’t remember for sure because I was getting pretty frustrated/erratic at this point. In an effort to fix that, I followed the instructions in the following post about using the Devices interface to remove the simulators:
I removed everything one by one through the Devices list including the 8.4 simulators (which I almost certainly shouldn’t have done in retrospect). At that point, I found myself unable to reinstall the simulators because the Downloads tab in the Xcode preferences showed everything as already installed, but Xcode had no simulator versions available at all. By this time, I had removed and reinstalled Xcode 6.4 through the App Store twice, but that did not help anything. I have removed and reinstalled 7.0b3 once, also to no effect.
The next thing I did was remove every .simruntime bundle in /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes and every .dmg in ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.dt.Xcode/Downloads manually. Xcode then showed that I could download simulator versions, but installing them doesn’t seem to be doing much. I think that installing the 8.3 simulator restored the 8.4 installation, but that doesn’t make any sense to me. Here is the current state of my Downloads and what devices Xcode 6.4 knows about:
I still have no simulators for 7.0b3 use. It’s a relief to have any simulator versions at all in Xcode 6.4, but what I would really like is to do a "factory reset" on Xcode and just reinstall everything as if I have never used Xcode on this machine before. Is that possible?
Thanks, Patrick |