On Aug 29, 2016, at 7:14 PM, Jens Alfke wrote: On Aug 29, 2016, at 5:02 PM, Alex Zavatone < email@hidden> wrote:
I'd like to take advantage of this functionality this presents, but I don't see where it helps me in my iOS dev flow.
I have never used this either. I’d love to hear of a good use for it.
OK, so I did a quick search for "Xcode symbol navigator uses" and got this: Now, I look at it and go, "OK. Why?" But I select a class for our geofences, expand it and then click on the three buttons for:
- Show only containers - Show only project-defined symbols - Show only class symbols
And immediately, I lose track of where I was looking, because there is a big refresh, white flash and redraw in the nav pane of my 150+ classes which shows all the topics collapsed and then another redraw and everything I had expanded appears again.
Now, I have no idea what happened. That's very visually unpleasant and I've lost track of where I was, what I was looking at and was distracted not once but twice by the data redraws when the class display was fully extended and I was looking at al my classes.
That's pretty unpleasant and I have no idea what those were for.
OK, I'm probably taking a stab and using this incorrectly, so I collapse the hierarchy and see that we can display enums, types, and lots more on a project or global basis.
That could be very useful.
However, what completely sucks is that Xcode simply has to push the content down the screen when we click on the disclosure triangle and then roll it back up.
This is the visual equivalent of the flashing marquee of marching ants while flashing green and pink from 1995. It's just visually terrible as it distracts me from the task I am trying to accomplish.
I know I've bitched endlessly about this many times before over the past 5 years. And thanks VERY MUCH to the Xcode devs for removing some of the distracting animation in "an unnamed future release".
But after pulling 18 and 19 hour days, 7 days a week for n+1 weeks, patience is beyond worn and there's simply no way in hell I'm going to use this feature, if every action I do to filter the results results in the entire panel contents on the left sliding up and down, then this does not help the user perform the task they are trying to accomplish. It distracts the user,
When I'm done from my weeks of 18+ hours days, I'll be more than happy to report this as a bug. But seriously, whomever thought that this excessive animation was a good idea needs to be shot.
Happy times.