For the past week or so I’ve been unable to code-sign any apps. The codesign tool fails with an unhelpful error "The specified keychain is not a valid keychain file”, which is the error message for errSecInvalidKeychain (-25295).
I’ve checked my keychain in Keychain Access and it seems OK. (There used to be a Keychain First Aid command, but I can’t find it anymore.) The only weird thing is that the My Certificates category is empty — it used to have a bunch of identities in it from Apple and some other sources. The Apple developer certs are still there in the Certificates section, though.
I wouldn’t expect that to result in errSecInvalidKeychain, though. Any idea what’s going on?
CodeSign build/ToDoLite/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ cd /Couchbase/tmp/ToDoLite-iOS export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE=/Applications/ export PATH="/Applications/"
Signing Identity: "iPhone Developer: Jens Alfke (*********)" Provisioning Profile: "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: *" (****************************)
/usr/bin/codesign --force --sign ********************* --entitlements /Couchbase/tmp/ToDoLite-iOS/build/ToDoLite/Build/Intermediates/ --timestamp=none /Couchbase/tmp/ToDoLite-iOS/build/ToDoLite/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/
error: The specified keychain is not a valid keychain file.
—Jens |