A simple scenario that I'm looking for a little clarification on.
I have an iOS app in Xcode 7.3.1 where I have 3 Build Configurations in the Provisioning Profile entries under Code Signing. Debug Release Ad Hoc
As I look at them today, the are all set to Automatic.
As of Saturday, when I was distributing this app to our team, I had the Ad Hoc configuration set to use a specific provisioning profile that matched the app's bundle.
Today, when I sent to export the archive to see what Xcode would offer me when I selected "use local signing assets", it selects a wild card provisioning profile.
I looked at the source view of the xcbuildconfiguration and I noticed that the provisioning profile section for this target has the empty string, which I assume means Automatic.
What surprises me is that I did something that caused a wild card profile to be downloaded, because 3 days ago, the specific "com.mycompany.myapp adhoc distro profile" was selected by Xcode to sign this, while today, it is using XC Ad Hoc: * and this was automatically downloaded by Code at 11:51 AM today.
It's looking like we should never use Automatic as the preset for code signing if this happens, because I deleted the wild card profiles on Saturday and I guess Xcode merely resorted to the ad hoc distribution profile for the app that had the full bundle of the app.
What are the rules that Code uses here?
If Automatic is selected, will it look for a wildcard profile first?
Since I had a perfectly valid ad hoc distro profile but the PROVISIONING_PROFILE was set to Automatic, when exporting the archive, is there a reason that Xcode selects the wild card over the profile that has the full bundle?
I'm just trying to understand how and why things seem to be changing under the hood, and most likely, I'm just going to assign the proper specific provisioning profiles and tell the team to not change this info upon penalty of death.
Does anyone else have similar issues with using Automatic for provisioning profile settings?
Thank you. Alex Zavatone |