That doesn’t work, the Command+Shift+t opens the a new window with that contents of the same file, but Command+Shift+UpArrow just selects the text of the file.
It’s Cmd-CTRL-UpArrow to switch to the counterpart. (This gesture is burned into my cerebellum; I must type it a hundred times a day.)
Thanks, is there a way to map a key to do this all this? I looked under “Behaviours” but it doesn’t seem relevant for this. I seem to remember a third party tool but that was a long time ago…….
There is a Command to open a new Window with the SAME file but not a command to open a counterpart in a separate Window- seems brain-dead to say the least!
<peeve>It’s really rude to insult a developer for leaving out some pet feature that you want. I’ll bet _your_ app doesn’t have 100% of the features everyone would want it to, and if it were as widely-used (and huge) as Xcode there’d be people saying the same thing about it, and implicitly you.</peeve>
No insult there as far as I can see and no insult was intended. Perhaps the phrase brain-dead might be slightly offensive in the right context. I really meant “odd to say the least”.
The only reason XCode usage is so high is that there is nothing else we can use to develop software for the Mac/iOS platform, if there were a modern day CodeWarrior then Apple would have to buy them again because no one would be using XCode.
The point XCode it *did* have all these features and more but they removed them! My app has 100% of the features (or will have when its finished) that my client asked for, if they ask me for a new feature then I add it. I don’t remove features unless I’m told to remove them. I’m a developer, that’s what developers do. I wasn’t aiming at the developer anyway, I was aiming it the person that wrote the specification - if anyone did write a specification. Also I don’t have the resources that Apple have and for a company that has more money and resources than some countries, XCode 4 is shocking.
Also the only reason a “Open in separate window” command is needed is because they removed the Split Screen feature from XCode 4 and there are other ways of opening in a separate window anyway.
Still we have lots of lovely animations which more than make up for the lack of built-in commands.