Rick, I have that shortcut set up in my Finder’s sidebar. Otherwise, I publish an archive and when Xcode displays the provisioning profile to be used, I just click the arrow next to it to display the file in the Finder.
Also, I made a super simple service that allows you to copy the path to a selected folder/file in the Finder that comes in super helpful.
If you would find this useful, just create an Automator workflow, Set the “Service receives selected” “files or folders” in “Finder.app” and them add the “Copy to Clipboard” action.
Save this as a Service into ~/Library/Services as “Copy File Path” and you can now right click on a file in the Finder, select “Services" and then “Copy File Path”.
If you selected a provisioning profile, you’ve now got the path to the provisioning profile in your clipboard.
I find this little service very useful.
Email me if you don’t want to go through the trouble of creating it.
Cheers. Alex Zavatone
Oops, found them under ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles