On Aug 13, 2005, at 3:35 PM, Phil Bellalouna wrote: 1) Is it possible to define a primary key for an entity in the model and if so, how? How about composite keys? If this is not supported, any suggestions or best practices on how to implement equivalent functionality? No. Why do you need a primary key?
2) How is the modeling tool determining which attribute to base a lookup on for in automatically created by option-dragging to windows and is it possible to change this attribute in the model or does it need to be changed in IB after populating the form? It's not entirely clear what this means. Do you mean, how does IB populate the Search Field? If so, then it does so from the dragged- entity's attributes. You can change the bindings afterwards just as you would for a non-Core Data application.
3) How is the modeling tool determining object (attribute etc.) order and is it possible to change the order? You cannot change the order per se in the tool. You can sort on the property name, type, and kind, and hide and show different subsets -- see <http://developer.apple.com/documentation/DeveloperTools/ Conceptual/XcodeUserGuide21/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/ 02_04_design_data_model/chapter_15_section_1.html>.