7/1/09 11:52:07 AM [0x0-0x33a33a].org.x.X11[27391] Quitting Xquartz...
7/1/09 11:52:07 AM org.x.startx[27422] Xquartz: start_x11_server: (ipc/mig) server died
7/1/09 11:52:07 AM org.x.startx[27422] xinit: connection to X server lost.
7/1/09 11:52:07 AM org.x.startx[27422] xinit: Operation not permitted (errno 1): Can't kill X server
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] X11.app: main(): argc=2
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] argv[0] = /Applications/Utilities/X11.app/Contents/MacOS/X11.bin
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] argv[1] = -psn_0_3969993
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] Waiting for startup parameters via Mach IPC.
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM org.x.startx[29810] font_cache: Scanning user font directories to generate X11 font caches
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM org.x.startx[29810] font_cache: Updating FC cache
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM org.x.privileged_startx[29817] font_cache: Scanning system font directories to generate X11 font caches
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM defaults[29839]
The domain/default pair of (org.x.X11, dpi) does not exist
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM org.x.startx[29810] xauth: creating new authority file /Users/arthurgoldberg/.serverauth.29810
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] X11.app: Listening on socket for fd handoff: (3) /var/tmp/tmp.0.z0ci06
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] X11.app: Thread created for handoff. Returning success to tell caller to connect and push the fd.
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM org.x.startx[29810] Xquartz: Handoff connection established (try 1 of 5) on fd 4, "/var/tmp/tmp.0.z0ci06". Sending message.
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM org.x.startx[29810] Xquartz: Message sent. Closing handoff fd.
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] X11.app: do_start_x11_server(): argc=4
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] argv[0] = /usr/X11/bin/X
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] argv[1] = :0
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] argv[2] = -auth
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] argv[3] = /Users/arthurgoldberg/.serverauth.29810
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] X11.app: Received new $DISPLAY fd: 5 ... sleeping to allow xinitrc to catchup.
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM X11.bin[29779] Could not connect the action apps_table_cancel: to target of class X11Controller
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] InitConnectionLimits: MaxClients = 255
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] Xquartz starting:
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] X.Org X Server 1.4.2-apple33
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] Build Date: 20090327
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] Sync Extension 3.0
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] (EE) XKB: Couldn't open rules file /usr/X11/share/X11/xkb/rules/base
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] (dix) initialising device 0
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] (dix) initialising device 1
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] (dix) initialising device 2
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] (EE) XKB: Couldn't open rules file /usr/X11/share/X11/xkb/rules/base
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] (dix) initialising device 3
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] (dix) initialising device 4
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] (dix) initialising device 5
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] (dix) initialising device 6
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] (dix) enabling device 0
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] (dix) enabling device 1
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] (dix) enabling device 2
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] (dix) enabling device 3
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] (dix) enabling device 4
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] (dix) enabling device 5
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] (dix) enabling device 6
7/1/09 11:53:10 AM org.x.privileged_startx[29817] font_cache: Updating FC cache
7/1/09 11:53:12 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] AllocNewConnection: client index = 1, socket fd = 10
7/1/09 11:53:12 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] AllocNewConnection: client index = 2, socket fd = 11
7/1/09 11:53:12 AM org.x.startx[29810] font_cache: Done
7/1/09 11:53:13 AM org.x.privileged_startx[29817] font_cache: Done
7/1/09 11:53:13 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] X11.app Handing off fd to server thread via DarwinListenOnOpenFD(5)
7/1/09 11:53:13 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] DarwinListenOnOpenFD: 5
7/1/09 11:53:13 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] Calling ListenOnOpenFD() for new fd: 5
7/1/09 11:53:13 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] AllocNewConnection: client index = 3, socket fd = 12
7/1/09 11:53:13 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] AllocNewConnection: client index = 4, socket fd = 13
7/1/09 11:53:13 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] X11.app: Launching /usr/X11/bin/xterm:
7/1/09 11:53:13 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] argv[0] = /bin/sh
7/1/09 11:53:13 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] argv[1] = -c
7/1/09 11:53:13 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] argv[2] = /usr/X11/bin/xterm
7/1/09 11:53:13 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] AllocNewConnection: client index = 3, socket fd = 15
7/1/09 11:55:44 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] AllocNewConnection: client index = 5, socket fd = 18
7/1/09 11:56:23 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] AllocNewConnection: client index = 5, socket fd = 18
7/1/09 11:56:26 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] AllocNewConnection: client index = 5, socket fd = 18
7/1/09 11:56:27 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] AllocNewConnection: client index = 6, socket fd = 19
7/1/09 11:56:29 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] AllocNewConnection: client index = 7, socket fd = 20
7/1/09 11:56:40 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] AllocNewConnection: client index = 8, socket fd = 21
7/1/09 11:56:41 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] AllocNewConnection: client index = 8, socket fd = 21
7/1/09 11:56:41 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] AllocNewConnection: client index = 8, socket fd = 21
7/1/09 11:56:42 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] AllocNewConnection: client index = 8, socket fd = 21
7/1/09 11:58:34 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] AllocNewConnection: client index = 6, socket fd = 19
7/1/09 11:58:34 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] AllocNewConnection: client index = 9, socket fd = 22
7/1/09 11:58:34 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] AllocNewConnection: client index = 6, socket fd = 19
7/1/09 11:58:34 AM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] AllocNewConnection: client index = 9, socket fd = 22
7/1/09 12:20:03 PM [0x0-0x3c93c9].org.x.X11[29779] Quitting Xquartz...
7/1/09 12:20:03 PM org.x.startx[29810] Xquartz: start_x11_server: (ipc/mig) server died
7/1/09 12:20:03 PM org.x.startx[29810] xinit: connection to X server lost.
7/1/09 12:23:19 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] X11.app: main(): argc=2
7/1/09 12:23:19 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] argv[0] = /Applications/Utilities/X11.app/Contents/MacOS/X11.bin
7/1/09 12:23:19 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] argv[1] = -psn_0_4019157
7/1/09 12:23:19 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] Waiting for startup parameters via Mach IPC.
7/1/09 12:23:19 PM org.x.startx[30208] font_cache: Scanning user font directories to generate X11 font caches
7/1/09 12:23:19 PM org.x.startx[30208] font_cache: Updating FC cache
7/1/09 12:23:19 PM org.x.privileged_startx[30224] font_cache: Scanning system font directories to generate X11 font caches
7/1/09 12:23:20 PM defaults[30234]
The domain/default pair of (org.x.X11, dpi) does not exist
7/1/09 12:23:20 PM org.x.startx[30208] xauth: creating new authority file /Users/arthurgoldberg/.serverauth.30208
7/1/09 12:23:20 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] X11.app: Listening on socket for fd handoff: (3) /var/tmp/tmp.0.WRiYtZ
7/1/09 12:23:20 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] X11.app: Thread created for handoff. Returning success to tell caller to connect and push the fd.
7/1/09 12:23:20 PM org.x.startx[30208] Xquartz: Handoff connection established (try 1 of 5) on fd 4, "/var/tmp/tmp.0.WRiYtZ". Sending message.
7/1/09 12:23:20 PM org.x.startx[30208] Xquartz: Message sent. Closing handoff fd.
7/1/09 12:23:20 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] X11.app: do_start_x11_server(): argc=4
7/1/09 12:23:20 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] argv[0] = /usr/X11/bin/X
7/1/09 12:23:20 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] argv[1] = :0
7/1/09 12:23:20 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] argv[2] = -auth
7/1/09 12:23:20 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] argv[3] = /Users/arthurgoldberg/.serverauth.30208
7/1/09 12:23:20 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] X11.app: Received new $DISPLAY fd: 5 ... sleeping to allow xinitrc to catchup.
7/1/09 12:23:20 PM org.x.privileged_startx[30224] font_cache: Updating FC cache
7/1/09 12:23:20 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] Xquartz starting:
7/1/09 12:23:20 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] X.Org X Server 1.4.2-apple42
7/1/09 12:23:20 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] Build Date: 20090515
7/1/09 12:23:20 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] (EE) XKB: Couldn't open rules file /usr/X11/share/X11/xkb/rules/base
7/1/09 12:23:20 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] (EE) XKB: Couldn't open rules file /usr/X11/share/X11/xkb/rules/base
7/1/09 12:23:22 PM org.x.startx[30208] font_cache: Done
7/1/09 12:23:22 PM org.x.privileged_startx[30224] font_cache: Done
7/1/09 12:23:23 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] X11.app Handing off fd to server thread via DarwinListenOnOpenFD(5)
7/1/09 12:23:23 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] DarwinListenOnOpenFD: 5
7/1/09 12:23:23 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] Calling ListenOnOpenFD() for new fd: 5
7/1/09 12:23:23 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] X11.app: Launching /usr/X11/bin/xterm:
7/1/09 12:23:23 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] argv[0] = /bin/sh
7/1/09 12:23:23 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] argv[1] = -c
7/1/09 12:23:23 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] argv[2] = /usr/X11/bin/xterm
7/1/09 12:53:10 PM [0x0-0x3d53d5].org.x.X11[30177] Quitting Xquartz...
7/1/09 12:53:10 PM org.x.startx[30208] Xquartz: start_x11_server: (ipc/mig) server died
7/1/09 12:53:10 PM org.x.startx[30208] /usr/X11/bin/xinit: connection to X server lost.
7/1/09 12:53:10 PM org.x.startx[30208] /usr/X11/bin/xinit: Operation not permitted (errno 1): can't send HUP to process group 30351