Re: Idle Help
Re: Idle Help
- Subject: Re: Idle Help
- From: John W Baxter <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 18:24:39 -0800
One alternate possibility would be to let AppleScript worry about the
random number stuff.
In one trial, this script:
set x to {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
set y to {}
repeat 6 times
set end of y to some item of x
end repeat
set z to {}
repeat 6 times
set end of z to some item of x
end repeat
{y, z}
{{3, 1, 5, 3, 4, 2}, {5, 4, 3, 5, 2, 3}}
In another it produced
{{6, 5, 6, 1, 4, 4}, {6, 1, 3, 4, 1, 1}}
You would still want to remove the used item from the list, which would
become a matter of searching through the list for the item retrieved from way might be like
set x to {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
set y to {}
repeat 6 times
set a to some item of x
set end of y to a
set newx to {}
repeat with i in x
if contents of i is not a then
set end of newx to contents of i
end if
copy newx to x
end repeat
end repeat
Which in one run produced
{6, 5, 3, 2, 1, 4}
and in another produced
{6, 3, 5, 1, 2, 4}
and another (because I didn't like that repeated leading 6 and trailing 4)
{3, 6, 4, 5, 1, 2}
The inner repeat would execute each time you select an image; the outer is
like the part of your code which does everything but check for the list
becoming 0, but in your case it is distributed over several executions of
the idle handler.
I don't know whether the is not operator behaves sensibly with aliases (it
should). And "English-like" isn't "English" (contents ... is not). And I
don't know whether either or both "contents of" are really necessary...I've
just become gunshy.
At 11:50 -0500 12/7/00, email@hidden wrote:
On Wed, 6 Dec 2000 19:38:27 -0700, Byron Peterson <email@hidden> asked,
> OK, let me break down the problem I am having and maybe you can help.
> I have written a script to change the desktop picture at a set
> interval. The script has support for two monitors and the ability to
> alternate back and fourth between them. I read the picture files
> from a folder (as well as from sub folders) into a list (this happens
> during the run stage). I then get a random number (1 to total number
> of items in the list) and display that image on either monitor 1 or 2
> (whichever is next) using the appearance manager during the idle
> stage. After I select an image, I remove it from the list (so that
> the same picture won't be displayed again until all pictures have
> been displayed). After the list reaches 0, I then re-read the
> picture files back into the list and start the process over. The
> problem I am having is it isn't random at all. After a computer
> restart, it starts with the same picture every time,then goes to the
> same second picture and so fourth. I have looked and looked for the
> problem but it doesn't appear to be how I get the random number.
> Below is the code that gets the random number.
> set listTotal to the count of desktopPictures
> set randomNumber to random number listTotal from 1 to listTotal
One immediate thing to note, although its not the source of your problem. If
you have both a direct parameter and a "from... to" parameter, the
"from... to"
is ignored. "random number 6 from 10 to 20" returns a random number between 0
and 6. In your case, you'll occasionally get a random number of 0.
And oddly, "item 0" of a list doesn't do anything sensible. (At least, in OS
8.6 and AppleScript 1.3.7. IIRC, this is a known bug.) Sometimes it seems
"item 0 of desktopPictures" returns no result, and in other ways, it seems
a reference to the current application. You'll probably get "no result was
returned from some part of this expression" or "can't make some data into the
expected type" if you try to get item 0. (The command,
tell application "Appearance"
set picture file of monitor 1 to item 0 of pictureList
end tell
shows in the event log as "set picture of monitor 1 to current
application" and
produces the error "Can't make some data into the expected type.")
But to the root of the problem...
First thing to check: make sure you are not using the "with seed" parameter to
the random number command. Not *anywhere* in the script.
The way the AppleScript random number is set up, you can use it in two ways: a
"random but predictable" way, and a "random, different each time" way.
but predictable" is nice for troubleshooting, regression testing, and speed
comparisons, but for most applications (like yours) you want "random,
every time."
The way AppleScript random numbers do this is with a "seed" variable. If you
tell call the random number command "with seed x", it will start
generating the
numbers from a fixed point determined by x, and every time you say "random
number" after that, you'll get the next number in the sequence determined by
that seed. If you don't provide a seed, or if you tell it "with seed 0", it
uses something that changes, like the time of day in milliseconds, for the
and you get apparently random behavior.
(Actually, it looks like "with seed 0" uses something that changes no faster
than once per second--a bunch of sequences generated from seed 0 are identical
if they are generated quickly. Its probably using the "seconds since
1904" date
as an integer. So don't say, "I'll just use seed 0 all the time, for extra
randomness. Just say "with seed 0" once, at the beginning of the script, or
don't say "with seed" anywhere, and you'll be fine.)
If this doesn't fix the problem, we need to make sure you have the program
correct. You are generating the random number anew each time you are
trying to
pick a picture from the list, right? That is, the code, slightly enlarged,
looks something like this:
property pictureInterval : 15 -- seconds. How often to change pictures
on run
global desktopPictures
set desktopPictures to findDesktopPictures()
-- I'm assuming somehow you get a list of aliases for the pictures
-- You might as well write a handlers to do it, since you will update
-- the list of pictures in idle handler as well.
end run
on idle
global desktopPictures
if count of desktopPictures is 0 then
-- either we're done with list, or no pictures available
set desktopPictures to findDesktopPictures()
if count of desktopPictures is 0 then return pictureInterval
-- no pictures. Do nothing and hope the user provides pictures later
end if
set listTotal to the count of desktopPictures
set randomNumber to random number from 1 to listTotal
switchPicture to item randomNumber of desktopPictures
-- the following two lines delete the used picture from the list
set item randomNumber of desktopPictures to missing value
set desktopPictures to aliases of desktopPictures
return pictureInterval
end idle
If you are always getting the same pictures, in the same order, I'd
suspect you
are not updating the random number each time. The random value is
generated and
fixed when "random number" is called, and stays the same until you call random
number again. (This sounds obvious, but I've seen people who
misunderstand what
random number generators return. They return ordinary numbers, not a thing
constantly changes its value.)
If the first picture is always the same but the rest are random, make sure you
generate the random number early enough in the process. (Here, a global is
better than a property; if you compile the script fresh, and try to access a
global before setting it, you'll get a "variable not defined" error.) Try
"display dialog" statements to show what the random number actually is.
Scott Norton Phone: +1-703-299-1656
DTI Associates, Inc. Fax: +1-703-706-0476
2920 South Glebe Road Internet: email@hidden
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John Baxter email@hidden Port Ludlow, WA, USA