Re: TexEdit script - a longshoot
Re: TexEdit script - a longshoot
- Subject: Re: TexEdit script - a longshoot
- From: Xandra Lee <email@hidden>
- Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 14:01:11 -0400
IF you'd like each text file as a record in FMP (rather than manymanymany
fields) you can just convert returns to ASCII character 11 (this is what
FMP uses for a line break within a field). Then Surround the entire page
in quotes.This ensures that anything in between quotes remain with 1
field. -- the only thing you must replace is straight quotes (ascii 34)
Here's the scriplet to do the replacing:
tell application "Tex-Edit Plus"
replace window 1 looking for return replacing with (ASCII character 11)
make new character at beginning of window 1 with data (ASCII character
make new character at end of window 1 with data (ASCII character 34)
-- now generate the header row
make new paragraph at beginning of window 1 with data "myFieldName"
--do your saving closing, here
--ex: save window 1 in file "Zod:Bullshit.txt"
close document 1
end tell
Lastly you would import the doc as a Merge file with one field:
Set up a script in your DB to import a prenamed file (specify file)
importing only the one field.
Import a sample as Merge doc. Then check "restore import order".
tell application "FileMaker Pro"
do script FileMaker script "ImportFile" of window 1
end tell
Hope this helps,
Peter wrote:
My problem is that a server generates a lot of textfiles, these files will
be imported into Filemaker. The problem is that the files uses returns after
each sentence instead of a tab. This means that one textfile generates a lot
of records instead of only one then being imported into Filemaker.
So I want a script that changes the return to tab.
Any clues or hints?
Best regards
The content of the textfile to modify:
Payment Information
Payment Method: Purchase Order
Number: 001
Company: aaaaaaa
Billing Information
Name: aaaaaa
Shipping Information
Name: aaaaaaa
Product Information
Quantity: 1
Alixandra Leigh