Re: getting a URL from IE
Re: getting a URL from IE
- Subject: Re: getting a URL from IE
- From: "Christopher C. Stone" <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 23:39:58 -0500
At 04/17/2001 12:08 -0500, Erik Ness wrought:
it's so easy in iCab. It must be possible in IE, but I can't see it. Can somebody give me a hand?
set firstPage to false
tell application "Internet Explorer"
set firstPage to item 1 of (ListWindows)
end try
if firstPage is not false then
set myurl to item 1 of (GetWindowInfo firstPage)
end if
end tell
ListWindows fails if there are no windows open
GetWindowInfo 1 does not refer to the front window unless you've only used the window that opens when Explorer is launched.
MSIE has no sensible method of referring to the front window for most purposes.
Best Regards,
Christopher Stone
StoneWorks Computer Consulting