Re: Can a script create an applet?
Re: Can a script create an applet?
- Subject: Re: Can a script create an applet?
- From: David Lloyd <email@hidden>
- Date: Sat, 03 Feb 2001 12:32:48 +1100
Something which works for me...
copy (path to me as string) to theFile
copy (path to startup disk as string) to theDest
tell application "Finder"
copy (duplicate alias theFile to alias theDest) as string to theFile
tell me to store script dialogExample1 in alias theFile replacing yes
set name of alias theFile to "Dialog Example 1"
end tell
script dialogExample1
display dialog "Example 1" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 2
with icon 1
end script
With a little more work and a repeat statement, you can install multiple
script applications...
David Lloyd
email: email@hidden