Re: Push for AppleScript in OS X
Re: Push for AppleScript in OS X
- Subject: Re: Push for AppleScript in OS X
- From: What does not kill you only makes you stronger <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2001 18:20:39 -0600
on 02/02/01 5:27 PM, email@hidden wrote:
I have been hearing such conflicting messages about the state of AS in X that
I'm starting to get really scared. On the one hand I'm hearing that
Applescript is being tightly integrated into the core of the OS, that the
Unix command line can be controlled by Applescript, etc. On the other hand I
read messages like Mark's, and Cris in private communication, and see the
horrible state of AS in the Public Beta (Finder not recordable, no CGI
support), and I wonder if I shouldn't just chuck it and learn Perl. 90% of
what I need is CGI support, text manipulation, and read/write to files on
disk. If this isn't present and rock solid on March 24, I'm seriously
considering bailing out, and I don't want to. I have too many thousands of
hours invested.
Attention Steve Jobs! Applescript is the soul of the Mac as far as I am
concerned. Nurture it! A paying customer has spoken!
How ironic is that. We finally get that rock-solid OS, yet we can't do
anything too useful with it. After seeing the state of AppleScript in OS X
Beta, I really wasn't getting my hopes up for AS in MacOS X 1.0. (Beta?)
Loss of recordability in the Finder doesn't really bother me. I would
rather see a good base of sample scripts provided than having developers
wasting their time on something like that.. <Just my opinion, no flames
please.> I have also neither seen nor heard (much) of FaceSpan in OS X,
<> but then again not too many
apps have been announced either. (Bring on Oracle 9i!!!) Apparently by this
summer we will all have a better feeling of where our beloved OS is heading.
Funny you should mention switching languages, I have been seriously
pondering migrating from AS in favor of Objective-C Cocoa. Unfortunately all
the examples out there do not touch on what I would like to accomplish.
(Calculator/CurrencyConverter type apps do not show me how to write to a
file, create a folder, etc..)
I do, however, have high hopes that we can *someday* benefit from the same
high level of scriptability in OS X that we today have in OS 9.x, along with
the speed and stability of our newly modernized OS.
Patience was never one of my strong points, but persistance has always