Re: Changed definition of word? No dashes?
Re: Changed definition of word? No dashes?
- Subject: Re: Changed definition of word? No dashes?
- From: Shane Stanley <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2001 10:16:56 +1100
On 9/2/01 10:00 AM +1000, Harald E Brandt, email@hidden, wrote:
Sorry, I meant hyphen instead of dash. It does not change the issue or bug in
any way, but I just want to be correct here:
I.e hyphen (that key without any modifiers) shall, according to the manual, be
part of the word in strings. And it WAS part of the word in earlier OS.
I think that means when it's _used_ as a hyphen -- that is, between two
words (or parts thereof).
Shane Stanley, email@hidden