Re: To Claris Emailer users
Re: To Claris Emailer users
- Subject: Re: To Claris Emailer users
- From: Nigel Garvey <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 12:21:09 +0000
Michelle Steiner wrote on Wed, 7 Feb 2001 21:33:19 -0800:
If there are any of us left here (besides me, that is).
Are you tired of receiving mail that is in HTML format? I'm not
referring to multipart-MIME that has an HTML component or an HTML
attachment plus text content, but mail that is completely blank and has
an HTML attachment containing the entire message.
If you don't want to be bothered with those messages, and want to let
their senders know, create a mail action to run this script; make sure
that it is the first mail action that is run.
set replycontent to "This is an automated reply.
Your email was in HTML format. Because of security considerations, I do
not open HTML-only email.
Please resend your message in text-only format, or if you are sending a
web page, please send
the URL.
Thank you."
Thanks, Michelle. Nice script - though I suppose it might be extended to
send an alternative reply occasionally:
set alternativereplycontent to "This is an automated reply.
My dear, beautiful, adorable niece " & sendersname & "!
How lovely of you to write to me! I'll be replying in person as soon as
possible, but unfortunately, your message was in "HTML" format (all those
colours and twiddley bits!) which my silly old e-mail program can't read.
:-( That means I'll have to find where the message is on my disk drive
(don't worry, it's perfectly safe!) and launch my beastly browser to read
it. I don't mind of course, but next time you write, do you think you
could get Daddy to show you how to send "text only" messages? I always
think it's such fun to see if I can write a message in good, clear
English. Don't you? :-)
Well, must go and look for that message! Lovely to hear from you. Lots of
love, Uncle Nig xxxxx"