Re: 'explode' quark document into pages
Re: 'explode' quark document into pages
- Subject: Re: 'explode' quark document into pages
- From: Ed Stockly <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 22:56:12 -0800
I want to save a multipage quark document as multiple single page
If I write: save document 1 in ThePath it is fine. But it is the entire
As soon as I enter anything about page, I get an EPS not a .qxd doc. eg
I can think of a couple of ways of doing this, but they aren't the kind of
single line command you seem to be hoping for.
You can create a new document with the same properites as the existing
document and copy the page to the new document and save.
tell application "QuarkXPress 4.11"
set originalDoc to object reference of document 1
set newDoc to make new document at end
duplicate page 1 of spread 1 of originalDoc to page 1 of spread 1 of
--save new doc
end tell
Another alternative is to delete all but one page from the document, save it
with a different name then reopen the original and delete all but the next
page, etc.
Basically you would do it from scripting the same way you would do it from
the user interface.
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