Re: 'explode' quark document into pages
Re: 'explode' quark document into pages
- Subject: Re: 'explode' quark document into pages
- From: Hans Haesler <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 08:57:01 +0100
On Wed, 14 Feb 2001, Doug H. Rowe wrote:
I want to save a multipage quark document as multiple single page
Now, why would you want do that? I can't think of any reason.
Anyway, here is something for getting you started.
First, I'd make -- manually -- a copy of the document,
delete all pages but one, select all boxes and delete them
without forgetting those of the Master Pages. Save this
document and remember the location, close it.
This way you have a document which holds all definitions:
colors, H&Js, style sheets and so on. And you dont have to
worry about page size and margins.
Then run this (adapt the names; here, the one-page document
"demo" sits in the folder "test" of the startup disk).
tell application "QuarkXPress 4.11"
tell document 1
set nPage to count of pages
end tell
repeat with i from 1 to nPage
open alias "Macintosh HD:test:demo"
show document 2
copy page i of document 1 to page 1 of document 2
save document 2 in "Macintosh HD:test:demo" & i
close document 2
end repeat
end tell
This script works with facing or non-facing pages.
But don't run it, unless you have closed all documents but
the one you want to split up.
Hans Haesler | email@hidden