Re: ChatSpeak
Re: ChatSpeak
- Subject: Re: ChatSpeak
- From: <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 14:55:39 +1300
I thought I would be the only one irritated by this illustration of the
'chat speak' method of writing"
Thank goodness I was not the only one!
To all who would use ChatSpeak:
ChatSpeak is like rap music.
Just because you can,
doesn't mean you should.
>>> [...] (u'd laugh if u saw my scripting efforts,
>>> [...] u lot seem 2 whip off scripts so easily).
>>> [...] u lot r all so apologetic [...]
>>> [...] All of ur suggestions r great [...]
>>> [...] Most newbie scripters r either desperate 4 an answer
>> [...]
>>> i hope i have expressed myself
>> Definitely.
>>> comprehensively (?)...
>> Not really.
> ROFL. It brought tears to my eyes knowing I wasn't the only one who found
> that message a bit cryptic to read. I had to wonder if my coffee had been
> switched to decaffeinated. Maybe I'm just one of those people who just
> like to _read_ text email and not have to decipher as I go.
jizt uze da c cret dacoda ring dude
property xtenshuns : path to extensions folder
property keePer : ""
property bla : ""
set x to xtenshuns & "voices" as string
set speakers to list folder x
display dialog "Decode this
" default answer bla
set bla to text returned of the result
set whom to choose from list speakers
say bla using whom
if whom is not "" then set keePer to whom
on error errMsg number errNum
exit repeat
end try
end repeat
set the clipboard to "say" & " \"" & bla & "\" " & "using " & " \"" &
"don't deanthropomorphize huminz, day dont like dat" --zarvox