Re: Michelle - Embedding a sound
Re: Michelle - Embedding a sound
- Subject: Re: Michelle - Embedding a sound
- From: Shane Stanley <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 10:50:59 +1100
On 22/2/01 8:34 AM +1000, Paul Berkowitz, email@hidden, wrote:
It seems to me I read somewhere about sounds being available now, or soon,
without a 3rd party osax. Since it doesn't appear in Standard Commands for
AS 1.5.5 (OS 9.1), maybe I glimpsed it in "things to come in AS 1.6"?
You're probably thinking of Sound Settings, in the Scripting Additions
folder under 9.1. The one where:
tell application "Sound Scripting"
end tell
returns --> application
Shane Stanley, email@hidden