Re: Quark 4.11 print setup paper size
Re: Quark 4.11 print setup paper size
- Subject: Re: Quark 4.11 print setup paper size
- From: JJ <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 16:26:40 +0200
Message: 8
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 17:40:18 -0800
To: email@hidden
From: Chris Gursche <email@hidden>
Subject: Quark 4.11 print setup paper size
I've run into a roadblock setting the paper size and printer type in
Quark 4.11. I can set other features of the print setup record, such
as page gap, but get an error when trying to set the paper size.
How does one specify the paper size or the printer when using a
script to print from Quark?
We use custom paper sizes, and I have added a custom size to the ppd,
which I can recognize via a script IF I've set it in Quark, but if
it's not set, I can't figure out how to get access to it.
The reason I think a custom paper size is necessary is that there
doesn't seem to be a way to address the page height parameter through
Chris Gursche
Copydot, The Magazine Prepress Company
The way is some like this:
tell application "QuarkXPress 4.11"
tell document 1
tell print setup
get properties
end tell
end tell
end tell
The result would be anything like:
{adjust horizontal tile:false, auto tile overlap:"76,2 mm", back to
front:false, collate:false, data format:binary data, fit in area:false, flip
horizontal:false, flip vertical:false, halftone screen:"60", include blank
pages:true, invert image:false, orientation:portrait, page gap:"0 mm", page
position:left edge, page sequence:all pages, paper offset:"0 mm",
*******paper size:"", paper size list:{},******* paper width:"203,2 mm",
print colors as grays:true, print quality:normal, print spreads:false, print
thumbnails:false, printer type:"Generic B&W", printer type list:{"Generic
B&W", "Generic Color", "Generic Imagesetter"}, reduce or enlarge:"100%",
registration marks:off, resolution:300, separation:false, tiling:off}
My printer type ("Generic B&W") doesn't support actually paper sizes. But,
if you make your own PDF (your printer type) with your own paper sizes (I
supposs you made it with "Make PDF" and saved as PDF into your PDF's
folder), you could:
tell app "QuarkXPress 4.11"
tell document 1
tell print setup
set printer type to Your_Printer_Type -- and, of course
set paper size to Your_Paper_Size
-- set adjust horizontal tile to...
-- set auto tile overlap to...
-- ...
Make sure where is your Printer Descriptions folder and tell it to Quark!
I don't know it this is the answer to your question. Let me know.