Re: Has the 5th business day of the month passed???
Re: Has the 5th business day of the month passed???
- Subject: Re: Has the 5th business day of the month passed???
- From: email@hidden
- Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 22:50:50 -0500
On Thu, 22 Feb 2001 21:26:54 +0000, Nigel Garvey <email@hidden>
Of course, it doesn't make allowances for public holidays. For this, you
need to make an adjustment in months that have (one!) public holiday in
their first five business days. From the list in Jason's revised script,
these look to be January, July, and August in the US.
I had some work that required my scripts to deal with working days and holidays,
so I wrote a script object that understands them.
Memorial Day in the US is challenging to code correctly, because it is the last
Monday in May. But I was able to cover it, and all the other floating holidays,
with a data structure: I created a list of "ordinals" that represent these
holidays. An ordinal is a list like this: { 3, Monday, January } for Martin
Luther King Day, the third Monday in January. I then calculate a date in
question's ordinal as
{ ((day of testDate) -1 ) div 7 + 1, weekday of testDate, month of testDate }
and use "is in" to see if its in the holiday list. For Memorial Day, I use
AppleScript's convention that item -1 is the last item, -2 is the
second-to-last, etc. I represent Memorial Day as { -1, Monday, May} and
calculate a negative ordinal
{ (( day of (lastDateInMonth for testDate))- (day of testDate))div -7 - 1,
With this package, testing if the fifth business day has past becomes
property WorkingDays: load script alias "Where:ever:Working Days"
set firstOfMonth to current date
set day of firstOfMonth to 1
tell WorkingDays
if (workingTime from firstOfMonth to current date) > 5 * (its dailyTime)
--- Five business days have passed
I've posted this script object on my web site at
Scott Norton Phone: +1-703-299-1656
DTI Associates, Inc. Fax: +1-703-706-0476
2920 South Glebe Road Internet: email@hidden
Arlington, VA 22206-2768 or email@hidden