RE: Has the 5th business day of the month passed???
RE: Has the 5th business day of the month passed???
- Subject: RE: Has the 5th business day of the month passed???
- From: "Bourque, Jason" <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 11:58:27 -0500
I found this site on the net it contains algorithms for finding dates. I
think I will use them instead of repeat loops
Jason Bourque
AppleScript Developer
MFS Investment Management
From: email@hidden
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 10:50 PM
To: email@hidden
Subject: Re: Has the 5th business day of the month passed???
On Thu, 22 Feb 2001 21:26:54 +0000, Nigel Garvey <email@hidden>
> Of course, it doesn't make allowances for public holidays. For this, you
> need to make an adjustment in months that have (one!) public holiday in
> their first five business days. From the list in Jason's revised script,
> these look to be January, July, and August in the US.
I had some work that required my scripts to deal with working days and
so I wrote a script object that understands them.
Memorial Day in the US is challenging to code correctly, because it is the
Monday in May. But I was able to cover it, and all the other floating
with a data structure: I created a list of "ordinals" that represent these
holidays. An ordinal is a list like this: { 3, Monday, January } for
Luther King Day, the third Monday in January. I then calculate a date in
question's ordinal as
{ ((day of testDate) -1 ) div 7 + 1, weekday of testDate, month of
testDate }
and use "is in" to see if its in the holiday list. For Memorial Day, I
AppleScript's convention that item -1 is the last item, -2 is the
second-to-last, etc. I represent Memorial Day as { -1, Monday, May} and
calculate a negative ordinal
{ (( day of (lastDateInMonth for testDate))- (day of testDate))div -7 -
With this package, testing if the fifth business day has past becomes
property WorkingDays: load script alias "Where:ever:Working Days"
set firstOfMonth to current date
set day of firstOfMonth to 1
tell WorkingDays
if (workingTime from firstOfMonth to current date) > 5 * (its
--- Five business days have passed
I've posted this script object on my web site at
Scott Norton Phone: +1-703-299-1656
DTI Associates, Inc. Fax: +1-703-706-0476
2920 South Glebe Road Internet: email@hidden
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