Re: Applet's last command doesn't take
Re: Applet's last command doesn't take
- Subject: Re: Applet's last command doesn't take
- From: Cal <email@hidden>
- Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 20:58:49 -0500
Paul Berkowitz <email@hidden> wrote:
On 2/24/01 9:38 PM, "email@hidden" <email@hidden> wrote:
> tell application "Finder"
set thisDesk to path to desktop as string
repeat with x in {"Color photos", "BW photos", "Project photos", "dummy"}
if not (exists folder (thisDesk & x)) then make new folder at alias
thisDesk with properties {name:x}
if not (exists window named x) then open folder (thisDesk & x)
if not (popup of window named x) then
set popup of window named x to true
end if
end repeat
end tell
There is no 'named' property, but you can just say
window "Some Name"
set popup of window named x to true -- bad
should be
set popup of window x to true
Also in all the lines higher up.
No, they shouldn't. This is not bad in any way -- in fact, it's very
good. Even better:
set popup of the window named x to true -- very good
Shane Stanley <email@hidden> wrote:
It's not a property, but it is a legitimate reference form, usually roughly
equivalent to "whose name is". In fact, the version of ASLG I have gives, as
an example, 'window named "Help"'.
Yes. The more English-like version of the name reference form in
AppleScript is to insert the word "named":
tell the application named "Finder"
count the files in the folder named "My folder" in the disk named "My Disk"
end tell
tell the application named "QuarkXPress"
open the file named "Macintosh HD:My folder:My File"
end tell