Re: applet's last command doesn't take
Re: applet's last command doesn't take
- Subject: Re: applet's last command doesn't take
- From: Andrew Wylie <email@hidden>
- Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 23:47:58 +1300
on Sun, 25 Feb 2001 00:43:57 EST
Robert Kyle wrote:
It works well enough, but when it's run as an applet, the third folder
("Project photos") does not become a popup until I click the mouse somewhere.
The applet is no longer running, it just appears that it's last action
doesn't "take." This doesn't happen when the script runs from an editor.
The Finder won't set a window to popup on my (OS 8.6 AS 1.3.7) system if
it's not active so you may only need to change that but there's more that
doesn't work for me so
tell application "Finder"
set thisDesk to path to desktop
repeat with x in {"Color photos", "BW photos", "Project photos"}
set y to ((thisDesk & x) as string)
if exists folder y then
open folder y
set popup of window of folder y to true
make new folder at desktop with properties {name:x}
open folder y
set popup of window of folder y to true
end if
end repeat
end tell
"Any stigma will do to beat a dogma" -Philip Guedalla