Re: applet's last command doesn't take
Re: applet's last command doesn't take
- Subject: Re: applet's last command doesn't take
- From: Rob Jorgensen <email@hidden>
- Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 00:54:05 -0500
On 2/25/01, email@hidden commented on "Re: applet's last command
doesn't take":
...once again, a post went off in my hand...
I want to make sure that, at startup, there are three folders on the desktop,
each of which will have folder actions attached to them. The script so far:
tell application "Finder"
set thisDesk to path to desktop as string
repeat with x in {"Color photos", "BW photos", "Project photos"}
if not (exists folder (thisDesk & x)) then make new folder at alias
thisDesk with properties {name:x}
if not (exists window named x) then open folder (thisDesk & x)
if not (popup of window named x) then
set popup of window named x to true
end if
end repeat
end tell
It works well enough, but when it's run as an applet, the third folder
("Project photos") does not become a popup until I click the mouse somewhere.
The applet is no longer running, it just appears that it's last action
doesn't "take." This doesn't happen when the script runs from an editor.
It's probably not a big deal, I'm just wondering if anyone else has observed
this and knows a workaround. The best I could come up with was to create an
"extra" folder and then delete it...
It sounds like a redraw quirk. I'd try activating the Finder as the
last step just to see what happens. <shrug>
Rob Jorgensen
Ohio, USA