Re: Scripting PhotoShop.. and IPTC text
Re: Scripting PhotoShop.. and IPTC text
- Subject: Re: Scripting PhotoShop.. and IPTC text
- From: Hellum Timothy <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 17:07:15 -0500
Thanks for stepping in, Cal.
We run a bureau in Editorial that runs seven Macs. While each machine is
nominally assigned to an individual, we necessarily swap around multitasking
across machines as the desk runs 18 hours a day. While I am the only person
interested in Applescript here (is there something funny about that?), I
have had some interesting conversations with one of our IT guys (whose name
is Cal) who is also quite interested in Applescript applications for our
Library. Does licensing refer to machines that run the scripts created with
Photoscripter, people double-clicking the resultant scripts, or people who
write the scripts?
Sorry about posting this to the Applescript list-at-large, but I thought
it might be of some interest to others as well.
Thanks for your time here, Cal.
>I can only suspect that Cal's Photoscripter from would do
>what we need it to do. However, even being a big organization like we
>I have not been able to justify the cost required to meet Mainevent's
>licensing costs within our department (I think it prices out for us
>somewhere near $2 500 US). I would really like to use his software, and,
>moreover, be trained in it here (Toronto). But....
Because of the way our licensing is, some people aren't clear on how
it works. Accordingly, I'd like to verify whether $2500 would be the
correct price for you. What are your needs?
The Globe and Mail
(416) 585-5375
Once again the thought strikes me:
Half is quite a bit of wit.
~ Tom Waits