Re: path to question?
Re: path to question?
- Subject: Re: path to question?
- From: Ric Phillips <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 11:04:17 +1000
On 17/7/01 7:55 AM, "Admin" <email@hidden> wrote:
Thanks Steve for your reply.
Actually what I'm trying to do is get the path to the folder
that an application is in?
set filepath to path to creator "CDP3" as string
file "HD I:Desktop Folder:VectorWorks:VectorWorks"
I want
file"HD I:Desktop Folder:VectorWorks:"
I've tried delimiting the string but get errors.
applescript acts like filepath is not a string,
not sure why?
any help would greatly be appreciated.
Don't know why your's doesn't work. The following code code will return the
path string you want for a designated creator code. In this sample I've used
the Acrobat type.
Short version is,
tell application "Finder"
set fRef to the container of the (path to creator "CARO") as string
end tell
Result (On my machine)
==> "machd:Applications (Mac OS 9):Acrobat Reader 4.0:"
I would however use a variable and a try wrapper like so...
set crCode to "CARO" -- Acrobat Reader
tell application "Finder"
set fRef to the container of the (path to creator crCode) as string
on error errmsg number errnum
if errnum = -35 then
-- Catch and pass or flag the error raised
-- when an app with the designated creator
-- code does not exist
end if
end try
end tell
Result ==> "machd:Applications (Mac OS 9):Acrobat Reader 4.0:"
Also of interest is the case where two versions of the same app exist with
the same creator code. I have Office 2001 and 98 installed for example, and
both Word 8 and 9 have 'MSWD' as their creator codes. You can check a
version with,
tell application "Finder"
set fileRef to the path to creator "MSWD"
set versionRef to the version of fileRef
end tell
Result (On my machine)
==> "9.0 (2510), ) 1983-2000 Microsoft Corporation"
Which means it is picking up the 2001 Word (version 9). As to why it gets
that one (at the finder object model level) I couldn't say. And how you get
the finder to pick up a reference to every app with a given creator code is
something I haven't looked at - but it definitely is a condition that a
programmer may need to watch out for when using this technique for locating
apps. What I find interesting is that 'path to creator x' is an acceptable
reference that returns a result, but 'creator x' or 'name of creator x' are
not and return errors - which to my mind is a rather counter-intuitive
behaviour on the part of either Apple Script itself or the implementation of
the Finder classes. Another day when I have the time.....
Ric Phillips
Computer Laboratory Support Officer
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
La Trobe University
9479 2792