Icon picture: Trying again and sharing results
Icon picture: Trying again and sharing results
- Subject: Icon picture: Trying again and sharing results
- From: Mike Skinner <email@hidden>
- Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2001 16:05:25 -0700
OK, so I wrote the following script, which works handily for what I want,
although it's quite slow, (but maybe someone else can find it useful), and I
downloaded a copy of Graphics Converter, which created _better_ icons for my
.. but I _STILL_ see a yellowish border around the pictures! It makes for a
vertical grid in my finished picture. I wonder if this is an anti-aliasing
effect GC adds to the icon? Either way, I'm still hoping for some way to
access the file's PICT data and set the icon of each tile to THAT instead of
these messed-up icons. (I REALLY don't want to copy-and-paste from Photoshop
if I don't have to.) Can anyone help?
tell application "Finder"
set alphabet to {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K",
"L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"}
set basename to "Screenimage_slice" -- substitute your filename
set ext to ".pct"
set aindex to 1
set bindex to 1
set vicon to 0
set CurrentCD to name of front window
set iconRef to folder "images" of folder "MacStyledFolder" of folder
"Media" of folder "1-250 AATS" of disk "TurboMAX#2" -- substitute job's
folder path to image icon files
-- Screenimage_sliceAA_r1_c1.pct = typical file name
repeat with row from 1 to 10 -- substitute your rows
set rowname to item row of alphabet
set hicon to 0
repeat with col from 1 to 19 -- substitue your columns
set fname to (basename & (item aindex of alphabet) & (item
bindex of alphabet) & "_r" & row & "_c" & col & ext) -- how my Macromedia
Fireworks is set up to export
tell iconRef
set theIcon to the icon of item fname
end tell
set newfolder to make folder at disk CurrentCD with properties
{name:(rowname & col)}
if aindex < 26 then
if bindex < 26 then
set bindex to bindex + 1
set aindex to aindex + 1
set bindex to 1
end if
end if
tell window CurrentCD
set the icon of newfolder to theIcon
set the position of newfolder to {hicon, vicon}
end tell
set hicon to hicon + 32
end repeat
set vicon to vicon + 32
end repeat
set the icon of disk CurrentCD to the icon of item "AATS" of window
-- clear up final row
tell window CurrentCD
set bounds to {14, 45, 681, 404}
set sp to "8"
repeat with i from 1 to 19
set the name of item ("J" & i) to sp
set sp to sp & " "
end repeat
set the position of item "AATS" to the position of item "E18"
set the name of item "AATS" to "_AATS_"
delete item "E18"
set the position of item "Utilities" to the position of item "G18"
delete item "G18"
end tell
end tell