AOL 5.0
AOL 5.0
- Subject: AOL 5.0
- From: David Jackson <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 15:26:45 -0700
Hi all, I'm trying to write an AppleScript that will:
1. Launch AOL 5.0
2. Create new message
3. Paste message recipient from TEXT file
4. Paste subject from TEXT file
5. Paste body from TEXT file
#1-3 are working but it gets hung up when trying to paste in the subject and
body. In AOL 4.0 the script below worked perfectly, however I think the
Variables(??) for "subject" and "Body" have changed in AOL 5.0.
Can anyone shed some light.
on sendEMail(theRecipient, theSubject, theBody)
if theRecipient ? "" then
tell application "Finder"
if exists (process 1 whose creator type is "AOp3")
-- AOL sometimes sets the window bounds to
something off-screen if AOL is hidden, so make sure AOL is not hidden
set appName to name of application file id
set visible of application process appName
to true
open application file id "AOp3"
end if
set theApp to (process 1 whose creator type is
"AOp3") as +class psn ;
end tell
tell application "America Online" to tell theApp
set newMsg to make new document with
properties {kind:mail}
set newMailer to mailer of newMsg
make new addressee at end of newMailer with
properties {kind:regular, name:theRecipient}
set subject of newMailer to theSubject
set text of newMsg to theBody
end tell
on error theErrorMessage
display dialog "America Online couldn't create a
message because: " & theErrorMessage buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" with
icon caution
end try
end if
end sendEMail