Encoding howto?
Encoding howto?
- Subject: Encoding howto?
- From: Jan Jaap Siewers <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 07:04:22 +0100
Hello everybody,
I am writing a script to send files using interarchy.
It goes like this:
property whereto : "
on open doc
if doc's class is not list then
set doc to {doc}
end if
repeat with i in doc
tell application "Interarchy"
store i url whereto
end tell
end repeat
end open
Nothing wrong with that, except that when I drop files containing slashes in
their names things go wrong. Is there a way to encode a string so it can be
used as an URL. Like "hello/there" -> "hello2%Fthere".
When you use the script editor to record a script with interarchy and you
drop a file to send it, somehow slashes will be converted on the spot. I
just can't figure out how to script it.