Re: get my IP address (was Re: Eudora script works, but doesn't (?) (used to be "Re: Scripting in vain - please help :()")
Re: get my IP address (was Re: Eudora script works, but doesn't (?) (used to be "Re: Scripting in vain - please help :()")
- Subject: Re: get my IP address (was Re: Eudora script works, but doesn't (?) (used to be "Re: Scripting in vain - please help :()")
- From: vectormation <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 12:58:49 -0500
IP Addresser
freeware & scriptable
Worked well when I was using it on a cable modem
(I mistakenly said I had used "bluIP"...)
Hash: SHA1
At 09:34 -0800 UTC, on 06/03/2001, Diego C De La Vega wrote:
> Hi AppleSripters,
> I received a reply from someone on this mailing list
> about how to get Eudora to send a copy of my current
> IP address to an email address of my choice. It seems
> to work except for one small thing: the IP address
> seems to be incorrect.
Geez, if you're gonna complain about such minor details...
[Btw: then why use a Subject header that suggests you're asking about Eudora?
People please, spend some time thinking about an appropriate Subject header.
Yes, that can be hard, but who says hard isn't good for you? ;) This list
sees an awful lot of traffic and I doubt that many people actually read
everything, so it's for your own good to use descriptive Subject headers.]
> I tried to use the number to
> access my computer remotely, and it turns out that the
> the IP address I was sent is different to the IP
> Address appearing in the active TCP/IP control panels.
And so again...
>> [...] It was hell trying to drive home, writing the new IP
>> address down and driving back to college, only to find out that the
>> Internet disconnected and reconnected under a new IP address :( [...]
Look, your question seems to be "how to grab the correct IP address", but
you're not saying anything about how you are grabbing it _now_... Also, since
scripting possibilities differ per OS version, you're not helping by
insisting on keeping your OS version a secret. People can shoot from the hip
and may even accidentally hit something, but they're more likely to hit the
right target if you provide them with a clear one.
So, erm.. give it another go ;)
> All I have here is just a simple connection to
> the internet via an internal 56K modem.
OK, that helps, but it's not enough information yet:
1) Hoe are you grabbing the IP address now?
2) What OS version are you using?
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